AGU Publications relies on our reviewers to help ensure the standards, quality, and significance of our papers, and timeliness of our review process. Peer-reviewed manuscripts are the cornerstone of advancing science and are increasingly important in numerous uses in society. Thank you for your support and help in advancing our science and serving society.

All reviewers are expected to uphold AGU's ethical guidelines and to disclose any conflicts of interest to the editors. Reviewers are expected to keep manuscripts confidential.

Overall Guidelines:

AGU uses an electronic manuscript submission system (GEMS) to manage peer review. You will receive an email from the journal asking you to review - simply click on the link in this email and you will be taken to your personalized home page. Please take the time to update your profile in the system when you first log in.

In general, the most helpful review is one which first provides an overall summary of the main contribution of the paper and its appropriateness for the journal and summarizes what major items should be addressed in revision. These can be explained and amplified in further comments or paragraphs. Minor suggestions or edits are best listed separately. Any issues that the editors should be aware of can be indicated separately in "remarks to the editors" and will remain confidential. If you prefer, you can upload a file with your review and/or an annotated manuscript. For further information, see this Eos feature article.

It is important to meet the agreed-upon timeline for submitting your review. If you are unable to meet the deadline, contact the journal staff immmediately, so that the editors can determine the appropriate course of action. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the editors. Please submit your review online using the link provided.

Please recognize that final decisions on acceptance or rejection and the extent of revisions are made by the editors. Reviewers play a critical advisory role in that process. AGU will inform you of the final decision.


AGU recognizes reviewers:

AGU will add your review service to your ORCID profile with your permission. Simply register for an ORCID and/or link it to your GEMS profile.

AGU also recognizes reviewers throughout the year at meetings with awards and service subscriptions.